Olive Oil and Disease Prevention
Reduces Ulcer Creation, since its properties protect the mucosa of the Digestive canal. It manages the production of hydrochloric acid. It also helps constipation.
Cardiovascular diseases and Arteriosclerosis
Diets high in saturated fatty Acids can lead to cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis. Diets high in mono-unsaturated acids (Olive Oil) can prevent diseases and arteriosclerosis.
Mediterranean countries have fewer cardiovascular problems in comparison to Northern European countries, where it is known that animal fat consumption is greater. Great effort is given to directing these countries to use Olive Oil and recognize it as essential for a healthier diet.
Unlike certain drugs, Olive Oil is tolerable to the body. It plays an important role in the treatment of bile diseases. Recent studies show that Olive Oil appears to inhibit the formation of gallstones.
Olive Oil is known to do good for elderly people, because it has Vitamin E, which is a natural anti-oxidant. It delays changes in cell membranes which lead to aging.
Olive Oil can be absorbed by our body much more easily than other types of oils. This is because its composition matches most of our fatty elements within the body. Olive Oil helps significantly in balancing metabolism and bone growth, therefore the consumption of Olive Oil should begin at a very early age.
How to cook with Olive Oil
Use Olive Oil for frying. Its rich taste enhances your foods. Olive Oil is resistant due to its composition. It can reach high temperature up to 210ºC without being decomposed. Other vegetable oils and butter cannot reach this temperature, which separates them from Olive Oil, and makes Olive Oil better for frying.
Straight from the bottle to your salad, Olive Oil will bring out the taste. Add it to soups for additional flavor. Dip your bread in it for a quick and nutritious light snack. Combine it in all your recipes which include oil. For your baked goods, breads, cookies and pastries, for your breakfast omelets and fried eggs, spreads, hash browns.
Remember that you should store Olive Oil in a cool place far from direct light. Contrary to other oils, Olive Oil doesn’t become rancid, but only after a long period.
Table of Decomposition
Olive Oil — 210º
Butter — 110º
Soya — 170º
Pork Fat — 180º
Margarine — 150º